Her full name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty. She was born on February 20,1988. She is 25 years old. She was born in St-Michael (Barbados). She is a singer, a dancer, and an actress.
Mathieu Valbuena
His name is Mathieu Valbuena. He was born on 28 September 1984 in Bruges. His nickname is Petit Velo because he measures 1m63.
His first professional club was the Girondins de Bordeaux. Now, he plays for the Olympique de Marseille (he’s been playing there since 2006). He is a midfield player.
Benjamin source : (...)
He was born on 09/26/1985 in Strasbourg (Alsace).
He measures 1,80m.
He is French.
His nickname is M. Pokora or Matt Pokora.
His real name is Matthieu Tota.
He is a French pop music singer, a songwriter, a dancer.
Fears and passions :
His is afraid of heights , and spiders.
His favorite colors are blue, red and yellow.
His favorite singer is Usher.
His favorite book is Une Voix by Paul Emile Victor.
His (...)
Name : Edward Christopher Sheeran
Nickname : Ed Sheeran
Age : 21 years old
Brother and sister : Matthew Sheeran
Parents : Imogen Sheeran, John Sheeran He was born on 17 Feburary 1991. He measures 1,71 m. He comes from Halifax, in the county of western Yorkshire. He is a singer, a songwriter anda guitarist. He is a single man.
source :
by Oceanne (...)
His name is Laouni Mouhid. His nickname is Lafouine.
He was born on December 24 1981.
He grew up with seven other kids.
He is French and has Moroccan origins.
He stopped his studies at the age of fifteen.
by Clément and Brian
source : http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn :...
Steve Mandanda
Steve Mandanda was born on 28 March 1985 in Kinshasa. He moved in Evreux at the age of 2. He joined a training center in Havre at the age of 15. He is a football player. His nickname is El phenomeno.
He plays for the Olympique de Marseille (he’s been playing for this club since 2005). He is a goalkeeper.
He has a brother whose name is Parfait. Parfait plays for the Belgian football club Royal Charlero.
source : (...)
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